Name: Sailor Star Leo Full Formal Name: Junialta Krudinis Schalzert (June-ee-all-ta Crew-din-is Schal-zert) Meaning: Saturnian for "Blessed by Music" Goes by: "June" Age: 20 (In Earth Years) Home Planet: Saturn--Echo Point, Tuaroh Birthdate: August 3 2013 Sign: Leo Blood Type: O+ Hair: light pink with blonde bangs Hairstyle: ponytail down to the middle of her back, tied off in the middle of it, not up at her head Eyes: Dark Blue Height: 6'0" Skin Tone: Light Tan Race: Human/Saturnian Siblings: None Favorite Colors: Yellow Least Favorite Color: Black Favorite Subject: Chorus Least Favorite Subject: History Best Friend: Bakinal Mulaning (a guy friend of hers) (Bah-kin-al Moo-lahn-ing) Dream: To become a DJ Fear: Failure Strong Points: Music, Rhythm Weakness: Silence, Studying Power of Influence: Music --Appearance-- A mixed breed of humans and Saturnians, June exhibits the traits of both races. She has slightly slanted eyes, a thin nose, and pointed ears. There are no scars or marks on her body. She prefers to wear flowing robes, the traditional dress of the Saturnian race. --Personality-- June is very friendly and out-going. She's easy to get along with, and has a great sense of humor. She loves to sing, and adores the attention she receives from doing that. --Biography-- June is the only child in her family. Both of her parents died at an early age, leaving June to be raised by her grandparents. At 16, she moved out on her own, and has never looked back. A three-time member of the All-World Chorus, her singing is nearly unparalleled. She learned of her powers three months ago, and has had chances to work with them. She lives alone in a small apartment in Echo Point, the primary city of the Saturnian province of Tuaroh. --Weapon-- Siren's Harp: A small, hand-held harp. She can strum this in battle to boost her allies' morale, helping them regain confidence against overwhelming odds. --Transformation-- "Star Leo Make-up!" A flash of yellow erupts in the area. As the light slowly fades, she emerges from the light, garbed in her Senshi outfit. --Uniform-- Skirt: Yellow with dark purple belt and outlined in light purple trim Body Suit: lilac Collar: Yellow with purple stripes Boots: light yellow ankle high boots Tiara: Gold, with a yellow stone Gloves: light yellow, elbow-length, no rings Choker: Purple Transformation Stick: Yellow orb on top of a purple stick, with the Zodiac symbol for Leo in 3D at the top of it. Bows: Pale Yellow, super in back Locket: Dark Yellow diamond Sleeves: 3 wings in dark purple --Attacks & Abilities-- "Strength Sonata"--With this song, Leo increases the attack strength (both physical and special) of one target. "Healing Harmony"--Singing a soothing tune, Leo heals the wounds of all of her allies a little, or heals one ally moderately. "Dischord"--Creating bad harmony between her harp and her voice, Leo stuns one or more opponents with a sonic attack. Her allies are immune to this. “Leo Minor”—A flute of energy forms in her hand. She starts to play a tune that gets stuck in her opponent’s head. While they are distracted, she flings the energy flute at them. It turns into an arrow with the sign of Leo becoming the arrow head. This attack can be very dangerous to perform and can cause major damage. ~Neo Star Power~ “Neo Star Leo Arise!” Tiara: Silver sides with a yellow gem in the center. Choker: Light blue Collar: Dark gold with two yellow stripes Bodysuit: Pale yellow Bows: Yellow Locket: A yellow star Gloves: Pale yellow with light blue bands Skirt: Pale yellow with light blue trim Shoes: Yellow tight high boots Sleeves: Yellow super style ~Attack~ “Sonic Sound Wave!”- Claps her hands over her head making a loud bang and energy comes pouring out of them in the form of see able sounds waves. They travel down ward and along the ground causing an earthquake to go straight at the enemy.